Mathematical Formulation of the Yilmaz Theory of Gravity

Due to Albert Einstein, we have learned that the effect of gravitation can be interpreted geometrically as curvature of space-time. Mathematically, this is expressed in the Einstein equations [6]

where the lefthand side denotes the Einstein-Hilbert curvature tensor and the righthand side is the stress-energy tensor of the source fields (matter, electromagnetical...).

The new theory of Hüseyin Yilmaz can still be interpreted geometrically. What differs to general relativity is that the stress-energy-momentum of the gravitational field itself is assumed to be a source of curvature. Thus, the conventional theory of gravity has to be modified by adding the stress-energy tensor of the gravitational field to the righthand side of the Einstein equations [1]:

C. O. Alley states that he "believes that the explicit inclusion of the gravitational field stress-energy tensor [...] is as important for our understanding of physics as Maxwell's addition of the displacement current in his equations for the electromagnetical field" [2].

If one starts from the space-time metric, then the gravitational potential is defined (up to integration constants) according to


However, the geometrical interpretation of the new theory is not the essential one. Remarkably, the new theory is a gauge theory very similar to electromagnetism (see below). The Lagrangian of the free field (no other sources) is given by

with . The energy-momentum tensor of the gravitational field then follows by variation of the Lagrangian as

The inverted relation between the gravitational field and the space-time metric is formally exponential

The greek symbol eta represents the matrix of the usual metric of special relativity (Minkowski metric).

Differences to General Relativity

The new theory of gravity seems to resolve some flaws of general relativity Then, the new theory has some more advantages:

Theories of Gravity Albert Einsteins
General Relativity
Hüseyin Yilmaz
Theory of Gravity
Type of theory no gauge theory gauge theory
Local conservation of enery-momentum? No Yes
Definite stress-energy tensor exists? No Yes
Exact closed gravity wave solutions
for arbitrary field strengths?
No Yes
True Lagrangian exists? No Yes
Interaction can be deduced from gauge
No Yes
Strong principle of equivalence? Not deducible Holds
Theory is quantizable? No(?) Yes(?)
Can be interpreted geometrically
(as curvature theory)?
Yes Yes
Solutions with space-time
singularities ("black holes")?
Yes No
Compatible with all observations? Yes(?) Yes(?)

Correspondence to Maxwell's Theory of Electromagnetism

The similarity between the new theory of gravity and electromagnetism is really striking. With suitable coordinate and/or gauge conditions the field equations are analoguous, except that there appears an additional index for the gravity theory. Moreover, the interaction with other fields can also be deduced from a gauge principle, ie. by replacing ordinary derivatives with gauge-covariant derivatives in the Langrangian. While the gauge is additive in electromagnetism, the new theory of gravity satisfies a generalized multiplicative gauge.

Electromagnetism (Maxwell's theory) Yilmaz Theory of Gravity
Field equations
(Lorentz gauge)
Gauge transformations
Gauge-covariant derivatives

denotes the d'Alembert operator. In the Lorentz gauge the potentials of the new theory thus satisfy a standard wave equation.


Although the new theory does surely not represent the last word concerning gravity, I think that it still can be viewed as a valid alternative to general relativity, although, naturally, there have been many controversial reactions [7].
